The 2010  
 Bicycle Tour Event Rules

2010 Avita Water “Black Bear” Bicycle Event Rules

2010 Avita Water “Black Bear” Bicycle Event Rules


1.       Safety is essential.  Do nothing that places yourself or other riders in danger.


2.       Follow all traffic laws.  The Black Bear route has less than a dozen stop signs over 100 miles.  Stop at all crossings unless directed otherwise.


3.       Use the shoulders as much as possible.  There are more and more older drivers every year (you will be one some day) make sure your seen.


4.       Do not impede vehicle traffic. Canoe race fans and canoe team feeders will be following the course of the event. Canoe feeding crews serve as the canoe teams safety net.


5.       NO FEEDING FROM VEHICLES. This is not fair to all riders, and it impedes normal traffic. All rider feeding must be from stationary locations.


6.   No passing over the yellow line.


7.      No shadowing riders with support vehicles, it’s not fair to all riders unless everyone has someone to follow them.  It impedes traffic and creates a safety issue.


8.       The best way to be seen is to wave at people you meet.  All of the locals wave at each other and if you wave - they wave back and think their neighbor took up bicycling.


9.       If you have an accident, tumble or fall -- please let us know.


10.   We will be having flag personnel at all corners and some markers along the way.


11.   Stay away from bears.  Bears now associate people with bicycles and have learned it can be a quick way to acquire a titanium framed road bike. Don’t fall for their tricks.


12.   All of the individuals working the event are volunteers. Several communities have stepped forward to provide water and snack stations. Please tell them thanks and treat them well. 


13.   This is a long distance cycling event, you should be confident in making your distance in either the regular classes or the McKinley class. If your not sure of being able to ride a whole century (100miles) find a partner and split the mileage by riding the McKinley Class. 


14.  Have fun – if you don’t – who will.



      We need your assistance in allowing fans and feeders to get down stream.  Canoe teams depend on feeder crews to hopscotch ahead with food and liquids that are needed when paddling a 14-18 hour event.  Frequent re-supply is critical later in the event as that fatigue manifests itself and feeders also serve as a safety check for the well being of the paddlers.  In 2003 one of the paddlers was medevaced off the river and hospitalized for several days.  The safety net for this team was their feeders and we as fellow travelers in the corridor need to ensure they can pass our event in a timely manner. No feeding of riders from moving vehicles will be allowed.  This holds up traffic and is not fair to all riders and created a safety hazard in past years for oncoming traffic. We have five feeding stations along the route.  If you require feeding other than what you can carry your feeders must re-supply you from stationary locations. Your feeders can hopscotch ahead the same as the feeders for paddlers.  Use places that lend themselves to easy handoffs (hills).  State law says riding can be no more than two abreast.  No one cares about this if traffic is not being held up.  Please let traffic pass in a timely manner.  That traffic contains feeders for paddlers and riders alike.   Thank you for your attention to this important matter.  Note Rule 1.

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